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Whistler Scales in First Position - Violin

Whistler Scales in First Position - Violin

Model:  04472540Violin

Publisher:  Rubank

Artist:  Harvey Whistler

Voicing:  Violin

Availability : In-Stock

Retail Price:  $6.99

Our Price: $6.99 

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This excellent scale book for beginning and intermediate violinists covers all keys up to three sharps/flats and their relative minors. Exercises are made interesting (and effective) with the use of numerous formats, including:
•Slurred, staccato, detached and détaché bowings
•Rhythmic exercises in all time signatures for both scales and arpeggios
•Long tone scales for tone study
•Scales in broken thirds and broken sixths
Also includes a full page each of daily scale exercises and chromatic exercises.

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