Major Scales in 2, 3 and 4 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering.
Melodic Minor Scales in 2, 3 and 4 octaves.
Harmonic Minor Scales in 2, 3 and 4 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering.
Arpeggios of the major and minor common chords in 2, 3 and 4 octaves with the same fingering for both major and minor.
Arpeggios on the Chor of the Dominant Seventh with their resolutions in 2, 3 and 4 octaves after the same fingering as the common chord arpeggio.
Arpeggios on the Chord of the Diminished Seventh with their resolutions ascending and descending with the same fngering.
Chromatic Scales.
Major Scales in Sixths in 2 and 3 octaves.
Melodic Minor Scales in Sixths in 2 and 3 octaves.
Harmonic Minor Scales in Sixths in 2 and 3 octaves.
Major Scales in Thirds in 2 and 3 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering.
Melodic Minor Scales in Thirds in 2 and 3 octaves.
Harmonic Minor Scales in Thirds in 2 and 3 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering.
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