D'Addario Plasticover Alto Saxophone Reed - #1.5

D'Addario Plasticover Alto Saxophone Reed - #1.5

Model:  RRP05ASX150

Manufacturer:  DAddario

Stock : Out of Stock

Retail Price:  $40.16

Our Price: $24.50 

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Plasticover features a brilliant, projecting tone and enables a unique voice in various musical styles, from funk to Latin jazz. This coated reed is ideal for quick instrument changes and endures extreme weather conditions. Noted for its durability, Plasticover is a perfect solution for outdoor performances.

D’Addario’s unwavering commitment to innovation and consistency has resulted in a new era of products for the modern clarinetist and saxophonist. Through natural farming and harvesting processes in the cane fields and digitally-controlled precision in the crafting of reeds and mouthpieces, the D’Addario Woodwinds line of accessories allows players of all ages and abilities to worry less about their equipment and more about making music.

Coated with plastic to resist changes in moisture and climate
Color video inspection sorts cane quality
Optical laser measurements ensure accuracy
Offered in boxes of 5
Available in half strengths, from 1.0 to 4.0

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